Our range of plant extracts are precision made from the roots, fruits, leaves, flowers and barks of 11 different highly therapeutic botanical species

Our pride and joy are our mushroom extracts. Over the years we've focused on a few dozens species, but have since narrowed it down to our 5 favourite fungi we know you'll love

When you need help overcoming a malady we've got you covered. We have expertly crafted 16 unique blends for lifes most common issues

Our range of 16 specifically selected powders for every day use as tonic medicines is perfect for additions to foods & beverages, or those looking at mixing their own solutions
Absolutely no unnecessary additives — just plants/fungi, rain water, laboratory grade ethanol & vegetable glycerine for a touch of sweetness. Absolutely nothing else
Our Raw material is pure, we either wild harvest it from the forests & fields around SA or partner with certified farmer who grow & give back to their communities
We use significantly more raw material in our extracts, additionally we utilise a proprietary protocol to remove, preserve and concentrate the vital compounds in these naturals